Speaking in Churches

Testimony and Music

Karen has been singing and speaking in churches since 2008. She combines her songs with her testimony of healing, outreach and following God's calling.


Karen suffered from epilepsy for many years and in 1998 had brain surgery. Her relationship with God grew immensely over her six months of recovery. In 2008 Karen suffered from depression. Through prayer ministry, she was able to deal with many aspects of her past, leading to forgiveness and healing. Karen grew to understand the greatness of God’s love.

Karen's story, interwoven with her own songs, is a testimony of God's presence, power, and healing, and is a story which will speak to and minister to every person, wherever they are on the journey of faith.
- Megan Jung, Minister, Williamstown Church of Christ


Karen has taught literacy and numeracy to TAFE students who were homeless, abused, ex-prisoners, on drugs, and self-harming. She then moved to a secondary college where students had severe learning difficulties. As a chaplain in a state primary school, she then worked with many broken families, very young parents, third generation unemployed, and refugees. She has mentored young people with social issues and volunteered in an adult literacy program. Karen encourages others to reach out to those around them.

Let me say thanks for the fabulous service you led. It seems God worked through you in a way that will continue to change the lives of some people who have done it tough and are looking for a new way. You have a powerful story that will touch the heart of a lot of people in need of hope. A number of people have told me how moved they were by the service. Others have told me they were in tears.
- Steve Rose, Pastor, Chelsea Church of Christ

Following Calling

Karen joined the Church music team soon after becoming a Christian. She began writing not long after this. Not being comfortable speaking in public, Karen stepped out in faith, leading worship and then travelling around to share her testimony. She speaks of times when her calling has been challenged and new ventures have started. Karen challenges others to step out of their comfort zone, using the gifts they've been given.

Karen shared how God has led her through life’s challenges. Her original songs, interwoven in her testimony, display her heart for the Lord and what He has done in her life – a positive message that God guides and directs our path.
- David van Wynen, Pastor, Point Cook Community Baptist Church


Karen grew up in a non-Christian family and had some exposure to Sunday School and CRE in her primary school years. After becoming a Christian as a young adult, she prayed for her family’s salvation. A couple of years ago, her nephew attempted suicide and called her to come to the hospital for prayer. He was also visited in hospital by local church pastors and is now a Christian involved in reaching out to youth. Following his salvation, Karen's mum and sister have also become Christians. Her mum was baptized at 81. Karen encourages church members to keep praying for family. It’s never too late.

It was a delight to have Karen visit us and minister to our residents. Through her uplifting music and powerful stories, Karen provided us with an inspiring reminder that no one is beyond the reach of God’s unconditional love.
- David Ware, Residential Aged Care Chaplain, Hedley Sutton Baptcare, Camberwell


Karen's granddaughter was born with Edward’s Syndrome. The time leading up to the birth and her short life of 10 days were extremely stressful, but God was with the whole family and their faith kept them strong during this time.

Karen has a powerful personal story of victory over adversity, and is very open in sharing this. Combined with the music, we have found this ministry most uplifting. Karen's ready willingness to share in this way has been a real encouragement to us. We pray God's rich grace upon Karen, her music and refreshing testimony. I am sure it has been, and will be, a great blessing to many.
- Railton Hill, Auxiliary Captain (Dr), Salvation Army Doncaster Community Church

Lighter Topics

Karen can do a lighter set of stories, if preferred.  Some examples are dancing, bushwalking, and visiting an elderly grandmother. Each of these has a message of faith, and is ideally suited to outreach events.

We were blessed to have Karen come to join us at a relaxed coffee and cake evening that we held for the ladies of both Mildura & Red Cliffs Church of Christ. We found her style very gentle and relaxed, which suited the evening well. Karen certainly has been blessed by the power of prayer, and to hear the healing it has given her has definitely touched the ladies who attended. We wish Karen well in her ministry and encourage her to keep sharing.
- Kaye Underwood, Women’s Ministry Deacon Mildura Church of Christ


Karen has been interviewed on Gracewriters and Seymour FM radio.

Contact Karen about a ministry opportunity

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